About SWSS 6180 TR1

Students convene in Finland to learn about how social work is understood and practiced in different parts of the world. Together with students and faculty from other countries, explores social issues, social work responses to those issues, and ways of communicating across cultural and language differences. Considers how the common identification with social work builds connection and might enable collaborative work to improve the lives of people worldwide. Prerequisite: Master of Social Work student or Instructor permission.


Summer travel course; OIE GoAbroad App Deadline: 1/27/2025; In-country dates 5/18/2025-6/1/2025; Location: Finland; Instructor permission required; Program fee $1,825 minus $450 deposit; Airfare is additional; Tuition is additional; Out of Pocket Expenses (approx. $525) are additional.

Syllabus Unavailable

Please contact the instructor for information about this course.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Show your interest by enrolling.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


Interest Form

Remind yourself about SWSS 6180 TR1.

We'll send you a reminder before Summer 2025 registration begins.
