About EDLI 6740 OL2

Explores theories and best practice for teaching and learning in today's library/media learning centers. It also examines the school librarians role as teacher and instructional collaborator with an emphasis on curriculum design, inquiry learning, and information literacy standards. Prerequisite: EDLI 6720 or equivalent.


Asynchronous on Brightpace, with Synchronous Video Sessions: 1/18/25 (9am-12pm), 2/8/25 (9am-12pm), 3/8/25 (9am-12pm), and 4/5/25 (9am-12pm); Open to Degree and PACE students

Section Description

This course is designed to explore theories and best practices for teaching and learning in today's school libraries. School Librarians are educators who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning. They model and promote collaborative planning and assessment, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning which enables members of the learning community to become effective users and creators of ideas and information. School Librarians design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and develops their ability to inquire, think creatively and critically, build citizenship skills, and gain and share knowledge in a proficiency-based, personalized learning environment. (ALA/AASL/CAEP Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians, 2019: Standards 1-5; Vermont Educator Endorsement Standards for School Librarians-School Librarian #61: Standards 1,3,4; Vermont Core Teaching Standards: Standards 1-10)

Section Expectation

Learning Outcomes: Students will: Model professional dispositions for best practice including: critical thinking, curiosity, reflection, respect, and collaboration. Demonstrate knowledge of current state and national learning standards, proficiencies, and transferable skills that anchor improved student learning. Understand the influence of the learning space environment and strategies for classroom management that enhance students' ability to learn. Demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning by teaching and collaborating with other educators to design instruction and curriculum that support the diverse multiple intelligences, needs, interests, and abilities of all students. Model and promote a knowledge of learners and learning by designing and delivering inquiry-based information literacy instruction that enhances the information, media, visual, and technical literacies of Pk-12 students. Deliver instruction and create assessments that make use of a variety of instructional strategies and information resources to develop and enhance the multiple literacies of Pk-12 students to inquire, think critically, and create and share knowledge. Integrate emerging technologies into instruction that reinforce the skills, dispositions, responsibilities, and self-assessments in AASL’s Standards Framework for Learners and other state standards that support student achievement. Collaborate with educators and other stakeholders in professional development activities involving curriculum development and school improvement processes in support of student achievement. Contributions in Class: Students are expected to be prepared to participate in all class discussions and activities during live video conference meetings. Students are expected to regularly post responses to online discussion topics and weekly assignments. Students are expected to regularly read and respond to others’ postings. I expect that you will do everything you can to optimize your learning and to fully participate in this course.


Participation Tasks/Formative Assessment 40% Due date: Ongoing 20% of grade -- Students will engage in collaborative online discussions and dialogues with classmates. 20% of grade -- Students will reflect on assigned readings, research, field experiences, and personal observations. Weekly topics and/or prompts will be assigned and collected digitally. Performance Tasks/Summative Assessments 60% Module One (1/18-2/9): Inquiry about Education: This I Believe About Teaching and Learning Summative Due 2/10/25 12% of grade Module Two (2/8-3/8): Proficiency-based, Backwards Design Unit for Students Summative Due 3/9/25 12% of grade Module Three (3/8-4/5): Plan for Professional Development that Supports Adult Learning Summative Due 4/6/25 12% of grade Module Four (4/5-5/9): School Change Initiative Summative Due 5/9/25 12% of grade Final Reflections -- Due 5/9/25 12% of grade ALL WORK DUE BY 5/9/25 (Revisions Welcome)

Important Dates

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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