About SOC 1375 A

An overview of the socio-historical conditions of people of Asian descent in the United States, along with an examination of contemporary issues. Cross-listed with: CRES 1885.


Open to degree and PACE students Cross listed with CRES 1885 Total combined enrollment = 40

Section Description

This course introduces students to major issues raised by the experiences of people of Asian ancestry in the United States. Asian America comprises complex, diverse, and rapidly changing populations. The course explores the similarities and differences of Asian American groups through a comparative approach. Topics include: histories of immigration; contemporary immigration trends; assimilation; transnationalism; anti-Asian racism; intergroup conflict; political economy; popular culture; ethnoracial identity; the second generation. The course has four main objectives: i) critical perspectives on the social, political, and cultural formation of "Asian Americans"; ii) introduction to the major themes, arguments, and frameworks of analysis in the field of Asian American studies; iii) knowledge of the socio-historical conditions and contemporary issues concerning people of Asian descent in the U.S.; iv) understanding of diversity experiences and the state of current ethnoracial relations.

Section Expectation

This course combines lecture and discussion. At least six hours a week of work are expected outside of class, per University policy regarding work required for a three credit hour course.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Show your interest by enrolling.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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