About MATH 3230 A

Solutions of linear ordinary differential equations, the Laplace transformation, and series solutions of differential equations. Prerequisite: MATH 2248. Corequisite: MATH 2522 or MATH 2544. Credit not granted for more than one of the courses MATH 3230 or MATH 3201.


Prereqs enforced by the system: MATH 2248; Open to Degree and PACE students

Section URL


Section Description

The above URL is for the same course taught in Spring 2023. Changes in Fall 2024 will likely occur, but the overall structure of the course will remain the same. <br><br> The required textbook is: “Elementary Differential Equations” by W. Kohler & L. Johnson, <b>2 nd Ed.</b> Please note that <b>no</b> ‘with Boundary Value Problems’ should appear in its title, as in many similar links found online. At the time of writing this description, this book was available, for example, through this link: <br> https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/elementary-differential-equations-bound-with-ide-cd-package-9780321398499?shipto=US&curcode=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoW1VrN96ucQBNc5kF74ZWkycLlrOehrlrR-AapYG6kzBdbJf6f_itkBoCWLAQAvD_BwE <br> This textbook <b>cannot be ordered by the UVM bookstore</b>. Therefore, you should <b>purchase it online on your own</b>. Please do so <b>as soon as possible</b> to avoid a situation where you would not have access to the textbook when you need it.<br> <br> This course covers classical results on analytically solving ordinary differential equations. Topics include: first order differential equations (linear equations, separable equations, exact equations, etc), second and higher order linear equations, the Laplace transform, and systems of first order linear equations. Some applications (primarily to physics) will also be covered, such as mixing problems and mechanical oscillations.

Section Expectation

This course is in lecture format. Calculators and Matlab/Mathematica may be helpful but not required. Students should have knowledge of calculus I and II (differential and integral calculus), and some sections of calculus III, before taking this class. Knowledge of linear algebra is also needed, but linear algebra can be a co-requisite. Background material required from each of this courses is compactly listed in the namesake document posted on the above course website.


Grades are based on midterm and final exams and quizzes, as described on page 2 of the syllabus posted on the course website.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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Interest Form

MATH 3230 A is closed to new enrollment.

But we can remind you a few days before the next term opens. You can also see what terms are enrolling currently.
