The course GEOG 1200 A is currently full.

Complete the inquiry form below to help us gauge interest. We will attempt to add more seats in this or a similar course.

Please continue to check the availability of this course—enrollment may vary before the deadline to add:

About GEOG 1200 A

Introduction to the fundamentals of weather, climate, landform evolution, and plant distribution using a systems approach. Focus on variation in processes over space and time.


First year and sophomores only during week of registration; then Juniors & seniors can enroll, space permitting; Junior and senior GEOG majors contact instructor; Fulfills natural science non-lab requirements; Open to Degree and PACE students

Section Description

Weather, Climate and Landscapes is an introduction to physical geography, the study of the earth’s atmosphere, weather and climate, water resources, landforms and ecosystems. In this course, we will explore the composition and function of the atmosphere, the flow of energy and mass between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere and lithosphere, and the resulting climate patterns. We will explore how evidence of past climate can tell us about our current and future world. We will also examine how weather and climate influence those processes which shape the surface of the earth and influence ecosystems. Themes of global climate change and environmental change are explored in each unit. Finally, we will seek to understand how these processes affect and are affected by human activity. This course fulfills a three-credit Catamount Core science distribution requirement (N1, no lab) in the College of Arts and Sciences. There are no prerequisites for this course. It also satisfies a major requirements for Geography and for the Global Climate and Environmental Change concentration in Environmental Sciences (ENSC) and is a pre-requisite for GEOG 2205, 2230, 2250, 2715, 3230 and 3250. Starting in Fall 2024, this course will satisfy requirements for the future Geosciences major and minor.

Section Expectation

Course Learning Goals 1. Students will be able to describe key system components within the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and biosphere and explain how processes (comprised of these component) operate within these systems (comprehension). 2. Students will be able to construct and apply conceptual and mathematical models illustrating earth’s processes, including the flow of energy and mass within and between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and biosphere, and at different scales. (application) 3. Students will apply these models within the context of current and future global climate and environmental change to predict/hypothesize future outcomes. (application, analysis) 4. Students will be able to synthesize knowledge of atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and/or biosphere components and processes to interpret and explain the spatial distribution of environmental variables on the earth’s surface. (comprehension, application, synthesis) 5. Students will be able to illustrate, analyze and interpret environmental science data. (application, analysis, evaluation) 6. Students will be able to articulate “why (physical) geography matters” in relationship to environmental challenges, justice, and equity. Catamount Core Curriculum Designation N1: Natural Science (without lab): Students completing a course fulfilling the N1: Natural Science (without lab) requirement will: 1. Demonstrate familiarity with scientific thought, observation, analysis, experimentation, and formal hypothesis testing in relation to the general field or topic of the course. 2. As appropriate to the level and field of the course, make informed judgments about scientific information and arguments related to the natural world. 3. As appropriate to the level and field of the course, use appropriate theories and models to predict change in natural systems over time. Course Modality This course is designated as an in-person course. Course content will be organized into modules (i.e., weeks) with associated lectures, readings, videos, in-class assignments, and homework. For the fall 2024, course content will be delivered in-person through in-class lectures, small group exercises and videos. Homework exercises and other course materials will be available on the course Brightspace (BS) page. Exams will be given in-class, including the final exam. Please see schedule for dates and times. In the case of a UVM-sanctioned change in learning modality (e.g., in-person to on-line), this course will follow a similar format (e.g., modules, readings, homework, exams) to that outlined above. Weekly Preparation To prepare for lecture, you are asked to review the weekly readings BEFORE class. It is suggested that you briefly review the readings for major themes, headings, vocabulary, and images prior to class and then fully read and take notes on the assigned readings after lecture. Readings provide a summary of important course material. Associated videos and on-line content will highlight important themes and current topics. Weekly preparation is necessary to complete in-class exercises and homework. On Brightspace, you will also find PDF documents under each module (Introduction, Lecture, Summary) that are intended for students who may miss class due to a university sponsored activity or illness. It is an efficient way to get caught up without having to ask another student for their notes. The PDF documents are also good tools for studying, picking out major themes, vocabulary, and understanding “why geography matters.”


Graded Work Grades in the course will be based on in-class exercises, homework exercises, and exams as follows: In-class exercises (20%) will be given regularly (roughly once per week) throughout the semester. These are opportunities to review class material and practice concepts that will be on homework and exams. In-class exercises should be completed entirely and turned in at the end of class. Students who miss class on the day of an in-class activity will not be given a chance to make up the activity. However, your lowest two scores will be dropped, effectively giving you one week of “sick leave” for the semester. If you miss additional exercises, you cannot receive credit, regardless of the reason. You will not fail the class if you miss more than two, but attending regularly and earning full-credit on the exercises is a good way to ensure a solid grade in the course. Homework exercises (30%) are designed to keep you current with lecture material, draw upon material from the text and engage you in class discussions. Six homework exercises will be posted on Brightspace for you to download. Each homework assignment will help you to build your skills in making basic calculations, interpreting graphs and maps and synthesizing lecture and reading concepts. Due dates will be posted on each assignment and will be strictly adhered to. If you turn in your homework after class has ended, it is considered late. There is a 10% deduction per weekday that the homework is late. Note that the homework exercises count for 30% of your final grade. Failing to turn in a homework assignment can seriously impact your final grade. Once I turn back the graded homework assignment to the class, you cannot turn in the homework for credit. Exams (50%) There will be three exams - Exam 1 (15%), Exam 2 (15%) and the Final Exam (20%). All exams will cover material in the course modules, including lectures, in-class exercises, homeworks, readings and videos. Exams will be given during the regularly scheduled class or final exam day and time (see schedule below). Exams will be closed book and you must do your own work (see UVM’s academic integrity policy on Brightspace). Exam I and II will be limited to 75 minutes to complete the exam. Once you open the exam, you must finish it within 75 minutes. The exams are multiple choice, consist of 40 questions and are worth 80 points each. The final exam will be 2 hours and 45 minutes, but otherwise will be the same format and length as exams 1 and 2. A review sheet and practice exam questions will be made available on Brightspace one week prior to each exam. Prior to Exam 1, we will do a meta-cognition exercise to help students plan and prepare for the exam. If you are a student who uses Student Accessibility Services and have exam accommodations: it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the Exam Proctoring Center (EPC) well before the exam date if you need a quiet space and/or extended time to take an exam. The Final Exam will be given in-person on XXX, 2024 during Finals Week (according to the Fall Final Exam Matrix) starting at XXX (EST) and ending at XXX (EST). The final exam will be comprehensive, covering material from the entire semester. No make-up exams (I and II) or final exam will be given except in extenuating circumstances (e.g, serious illness) documented by your Dean’s Office. The final exam will not be given early or on another date unless you have SAS accommodations limiting the number of exams you can take in any one day or, there are extenuating circumstances (e.g,. a death in the family, severe illness) that is documented by your Dean’s Office. Please do not ask me to make special accommodations for you because you booked your plane ticket early, etc.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Show your interest by enrolling.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


There are no courses that meet this criteria.

Interest Form

The maximum enrollment for GEOG 1200 A has been reached.

Fill out this form to express interest in this course. If a seat becomes available, you will be notified.
