About CEE 5850 A

An introduction to Geoenergy technologies for subsurface energy extraction (shallow and deep geothermal systems, enhanced oil recovery, shale gas extraction) and secure storage of byproducts of energy production (carbon dioxide and nuclear wastes); project-based. Prerequisite: Graduate student or Instructor permission; content knowledge of soil mechanics (such as CEE 3800 or CEE 3815) assumed.


Prereqs: Graduate standing or instructor permission; Content knowledge of soil mechanics (CEE 3800 or CEE 3815) assumed; Open to Degree and PACE students; Design Elective (Civil); HydroGeoPhys Design Elective (Env); Tech Elective (Civil, Env);

Section Description

The course will offer an introduction to different Geo-energy technologies for subsurface extraction of energy and secure sequestration and storage of byproducts of energy production. Different subsurface energy extraction systems including shallow and deep geothermal energy systems, enhanced oil recovery systems, shale gas extraction, and various subsurface systems for storage of carbon dioxide and nuclear wastes will be discussed in this course.

Section Expectation

Class presentation on assigned topics related to the course material as well as term-project require group work, and therefore, an active and equitable participation in expected from each student. The students are expected to actively participate in class discussions on the assigned case studies and evaluate their peers while presenting their work. The reading assignments will be announced through Blackboard. The coursework will most likely require students to spend about 6 hours/week on this course outside the class period.


Mid-term test 25% Homework 20% Design Project 20% Case Study 10% Class Presentation 5% Final Exam 20%

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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