Dumpster Diving for Food at the Supermarket

UVM senior Rose Thackeray walked behind the Price Chopper on Shelburne Road and stuffed her canvas bag with an assortment of produce: cucumber, celeriac, onions, broccoli rabe, apples, bananas, potatoes, green pepper and a lemon.

In an interview with Seven Days, Thackeray talks about the practice of dumpster diving and retrieving food from the supermarket chain’s compost containers.


Photo: Flickr/Creative Commons

She told the newspaper she gets about two-thirds of her food by this method. Her primary sources are this Price Chopper and the Shaw’s in Waterbury.

“It’s technically a form of gleaning,” Thackeray, an environmental studies major, told Seven Days. “Gleaning takes many forms, and it has a long history in many cultures. And this is how a 21st-century college student is practicing it.”

Read the full story on Seven Days.

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